Wow, a three part post for the third day at the show. I wrote earlier that there are 7 buildings, but in fact there are 8 and one additional 'annex' building.
Here's the finale for day 3:
Home fashion forecasts for 2014 were exhibited in a very forward presentation titled, "Psychotropia". Whether or not they are on the mark with their forecast, the exhibit certainly lived up to its psycho name. Designed by 78 yr. old François-Bernard Mâche, a French composer of contemporary music.
The most amazing space in this psycho world was a room that was filled with what at first glance looked like burning candles floating in the air. They were in fact a revolutionary new lighting concept, using modern LED technology to faithfully recreate the experience of light from the ancient past – the simple yet infinitely complex candle flame.
The design is pure and minimal: a bare circuit board featuring the latest in micro-processor technology paired with 256 high quality LEDs per candle.
When seen from a short distance, the light is indistinguishable from the real thing, thanks to a perfect match of the light colour of the LEDs.
The concept was introduced to the public at the 2012 Milan show. The LED display shows video footage from a real candle; a smart random algorithm makes sure the sequence of movements never repeats to recreate the natural behavior faithfully.
The rest of today may pale by comparison as compared to the LED lights above, but here goes!
A French company with a broad range of products, including French Oak Floors, petrified and live edge wood slabs for table or counter tops, furniture with Plexiglas or polished stainless steel bases, and sink basins and pedestals of petrified wood..
Live-edge reclaimed wood slab with knots filled w/clear resin, on polished stainless steel base
Round cocktail tables with petrified wood slab tops rest on Plexiglas bases
The shades of their wood floors were so much more authentic (of course we're in France!) than the supposed "French oak floors" in the USA. We were inspired by the shading and natural coloration's of real French oak floors.
A petrified wood log is carved into a pedestal base for a powder room sink, below:
Petrified wood is shaped into bathroom sinks. Interior of sink is lined with a mat finished liquid porcelain, below
Oh, one more category: Imported hand decorated Moroccan concrete floor tiles, below:
An interesting blown glass water pitcher, in the shape of a duck or chicken, see it how you will!
Attractive vases/bowls on turned concrete bases, below
Since we're originally from the South, we thought the sign below was quite humorous!
Well... I've done it! This is the end of Day 3! Yea! Hooray!! Now, for "Worst in Show" we have a number of candidates for today, so read on dear readers:
A zippered red neoprene cover to put around the root ball of your plant so it will fall over.
An enameled green horse (life size) w/saddle blanket of gold painted metal and suzani-style flower on steroids.
An homage, I think, to Yves Klein and his blue sculptures: Klein preferred the female form, apparently this artist prefers otherwise.
A Paul Bunyan sized "crystal" turned into a hanging light (perhaps it fell from his Dining room chandelier). As they say, one mans trash is...
More lighting makes the WIS list, below:
A trio of Unicorn's is sure to incite nightmares in children. Here their singular horns hide fluorescent light bulbs.
A lamp made from a pickle jar, with contents of French Boxer and Labrador Retriever.
And strangest of all, a Corten steel staircase filled with sand and seashells. The glass topped stair treads can be removed and you can add more seashells or anything else you desire. Just pray that the family cat cant get into it.
All for now Thank you very much for staying with me to see the Day 3 Report from Maison & Objet Show to the bitter end! Please join me tomorrow for the beginning of Day 4.
Good night moon.

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