We are now in full swing in New York at market and Sunday will be even more intense as several hundred more vendors will have opened their booths. The various exhibition halls have staggered openings this year, which is a real pain in the ba-joo-by.
Before I start on todays “finds”, I wanted to share with you an excellent restaurant where we had dinner Friday night. ROBERT, the restaurant on top of 'the MAD' (Museum of Art & Design) Building on Columbus Circle. The Executive Chef Luisa Fernandes prepares 'modern American fare', in a spectacular space overlooking Central Park West.
We started the day at Pier 94, where new and first designers
and vendors were relegated to show for their debut at the NEW YORK NOW. We did
see some fresh things, some good, many bad, and even picked a vendor or two for
worst of show (but you’ll have to scroll down to the bottom of this article to
see who and what it was!
Our first find was carved wooden handbags. Sounds dreadful,
I know, but there was something interesting about them. We didn’t buy them
because we just weren’t quite sure as we contemplated your tastes, our valued
and tasteful customers. You be the judge, and let me know what you think of
Then we found Sailormade a line of bracelets for men and
woman woven of leathers, or marine ropes, with real marine hardware in solid
brass or stainless steel. Super clean and very sharp.
Next was Animana, an importer of South American Alpaca
throws. The designs were simple, and the weaving and workmanship extraordinary.
We bought ladies wraps, and throws for your sofa.
Last cool thing at the Pier was a new take on the "Jam Box", a couture portable stereo,
disguised as a chic ladies handbag! Check out the pictures below. Alexander
McQueen will be turning over in his grave when he sees what they’ve done to his
designs! I did think they were neat, but we didn’t buy them as we don’t sell
electronics. But if we did…
Sooner than we thought we were on the shuttle from the Piers to the Jacob Javitz Center.
Again, not all of the exhibition halls were open today, only “Designer” (mostly
semi-precious jewelers) and “Handmade” (mostly a lot of ‘kumbaya’ types).
We did find some things in both areas:
In Designer, we found this wonderful jewelry designer rom
Paris, who made cast bronze jewelry, plated with 22kt. yellow or white gold. We
did buy into this line for our hotel store, Away from Home at El Encanto Hotel
in Santa Barbara. Beautifully detailed and perfectly scaled we loved this line.
Hand cast bronze jewelry, above, plated in 22 kt. yellow and white gold.
Next was glass blower LBK Studios, who did sculptural, blown glass sea urchins, piled high for a stunning look. She also
did organic glass molded bowls sheathed in mouth blow stalactite looking
shards. Her collection was fresh, and loved the color palette.
I know, the last picture from LBK, above, looks a little phallic.
We met a good ‘ol Texas gal who had a very chic line of
shagreen and alligator cuffs with interesting oversized clasps.
Loved these longer length necklaces that were micro-beaded with semi-precious metals and glass beads, below:
How about trading in your tired old Stainless & Gold Rolex, collecting dust in your dresser drawer, for a newer model made of Ebony wood or Sandalwood. Check these out:
Felted evening bags that can be dressed up or down with
interchangeable pins (one included with each bag). Handmade by 12 older, retired woman
who hand felt the wool and knit the bags.
We also loved these side tables, suitable for indoor or
outdoor use, artisan painted and high fired ceramic, each one of a kind
painting. Approximately $2500 each.
At 6:00 PM they threw us out because the show was over for
the day. No sneaking around trying to get a jump on tomorrow! We hailed a cab
and headed straight to the Nike Town Store on 5th avenue to buy
tennis shoes.
Yep, my Gucci’s are officially going to get a break, because
tomorrow I’m wearing new Nike’s to market! I don’t care what they look like
with my dress clothes! This store is a behemoth. Far bigger and much more
dramatic than even the LA Nike Store in Beverly Hills. One of the neatest things
was a laser light show surrounding the newest Nike styles, making their debut
on pedestals as you entered this work out-wear palace.
We ended the day at the Apple Store on 5th Avenue, see the glass temple of knowledge, below:
Seems my newish IPhone 5 is not holding a charge, so had to belly up to
the Genius Bar and have a look with a pro. Seems some file had corrupted my
something or other and it need to be cleared and reset…egads…and lose all my
stuff and pictures? No, not a chance with the genius I dealt with, who
scheduled an appointment for me for 11:15 PM tonight for a “reset”. You see,
this store is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It has over
one-hundred-twenty employees and serves over 1200 customers per day. So, at
11:00 PM tonight I traipsed back down there and he did the reset, and I’m now
home working on this article. God Bless the genius’!
Below is the apple store at 11:00 PM at night!
On the way back to the Hotel, I had to take these shots of Tiffany, right next door to Nike. Tiffany has such extraordinary window dressers.
Then from elegant to Avant, across the street is Louis Vuiiton,
the venerable fashion house that seems to always push the envelope with their 5th
Avenue windows. This season they feature huge silver plated dinosaurs, making
off with their namesake handbags, as chicly dressed stoic mannequins look
beyond the chaos in a cool gaze.
And in the next block, I couldn’t resist photographing these
two windows at Bergdorf Men’s Store on 5th. See below:
Above: Save a horse, ride an cowboy ostrictch!
Above: Go where?
Worst in Show:
The very first booth, as soon as we walked into the first
building this morning featured cute little Teddy Bears emblazoned with… well
you can read it for yourself. I mean really, is there a market for this?
Next there was a hat just a few paces away at another booth,
featuring altered lyrics from Katy Perry’s smash hit, “I kissed a Girl…” This
hat one celebrates “I Kissed a Dog and I…” Whatever!!
Lastly there was what looked like a leprechaun to me, dressed in a blue coat
trimmed in bright white, with bright green pants. Well top of the morning to
you Mister?
All for tonight. It’s late and Sunday will be an early and very long day.

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